Monday, May 11, 2020

Racism And The World And Me - 1455 Words

â€Å"The Most† Known Unknown in the World Racism has been and always will be a form of segregation concurrently and in the history of humanity. From Ancient times to current, the status of segregation by any means of oppression privy of power, wealth, and prestige has been as second nature as drinking water. While Coates has his own perspective of reality and its structure, it’s interesting that a so called genius had taken almost 30 years to finally see the true nature of â€Å"the beast† he frequented. That Beast known as Racist America and all if its capitalist racial qualities. While some have their own experiences and perspectives, â€Å"Between The World and Me†, past historical events on racism in America; including the Civil Rights Movement, correlative measures of other countries on racism and the slave trade, and the many obstacles that are implemented to secure such advantages will continue to be the key topics of discussion. Interpretively speaking on â€Å"Between The World and Me†, Ta-Nehisi Coates speaks upon the current state of racial relations similarly to W.E.B. Dubois’ Color-Line of the 21st Century. It is the indirect, non-named, hiding in the shadows, racism that is so heavily intertwined and implemented in our cultural and social structures. (Kelley, Robin) Simon and Garfunkel wrote a song eerily similar to this theme, â€Å"The Sound of Silence†, and although it pre-dates the release of Coates’ book, it gives great concern of the existing issues that have adapted andShow MoreRelatedEssay on Black Like Me and Crash965 Words   |  4 PagesBlack Like Me and Crash In 1959 John Howard Griffin, the author of the book Black Like Me, disguised himself as an African American and decided to go live out in society to see what it would be like to be a black man. The book Black Like Me is his documentation of that experience. 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