Saturday, May 23, 2020

Argumentative Essay Where’s my Wi-Fi - 995 Words

How many times did you find yourself on your Wi-Fi compatible device, only to find out that you have been disconnected from a game, movie, or music you were streaming over Wi-Fi? These occurrences are not often things you encounter when at home, but when living on a campus with thousands of people connected to the internet problems are bound to happen. Recently our campus suffered a problem with the internet causing students to be disconnected from the school’s Wi-Fi. With problems of this nature consistently occurring students are left without a resource to study, communicate, and entertainment themselves on their free time. This problem concerns me because I am a student at this university who relies mostly on using the internet. Attending Norwich University is not cheap and with the added fees the school has, it does not make it better on the student. Alike other students there is about a $900 technology fee paid along with tuition which you would expect that for the price you are paying you will receive outstanding internet results and tech support. We are an academic institution where academics are the most important part of our daily lives. With the consist failure of the Wi-Fi connection research conducted by students is not possible and could be a consequence by which a student may suffer from. The time we live in is a time where technology leads not just in society but also in the classroom. In a current statement the FCC state that â€Å"schools do not have the

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