Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Immigration And Naturalization Service - 1169 Words

Thousands of illegal immigrants smuggle themselves across the United States border each day. The Immigration and Naturalization Service, or the INS, concluded that the United States is currently a place to call home for a population of approximately twelve million illegal immigrants (Hayes 16). An American who has never been to Mexico, for example, may wonder why these people risk their lives to live in the United States. With the jobs, education, welfare, and unemployment compensation the American government has to offer, the United States appears as a lifeboat for these poor and uneducated immigrants (Hayes 16). The American dream is what all citizens of the United States strive to achieve. Everyone wants to get an education, a†¦show more content†¦Employers are able to make money because production is fast and cheap for them. The Pew Hispanic Center concluded in 2001 classified an estimated 5.3 million workers in the U.S. as unauthorized workers in the labor force. These jobs include 700,000 restaurant workers, 250,000 household workers, and 620,000 construction workers (Murphy). This is a whole lot of cheap labor, and without it the U.S. would suffer. If 620,000 construction workers were gone, home improvement projects across the nation would quickly be hard to find. With a large number of these immigrants also earning wages working on farms, Americans would find much of their produce rotting in fields due to the lack of workers (Murphy 2). The positive effect of these immigrants on the nation’s labor force is well supported by Americans; however, the opinion of those rejecting these workers is accepted and taken into account as well. The main argument of Americans rejecting the idea of immigration is supported by the rising unemployment rate in America. There are hundreds of American natives who are unemployed. Harvard sociologist, Christopher Jencks, states, â€Å" The reason that Americans will not take jobs washing dishes, cleaning hotel rooms, mowing lawns, and picking fruit is because immigrant labor has driven the wages down† (Taylor). Not only are the wages being driven down, but the working conditions as well. Without immigrants working it will open opportunities for low skilled

Monday, December 16, 2019

An Overview of the Anheuser-Busch Company Free Essays

For generations, Anheuser-Busch has been at the top of the beer industry, but they are being threatened by new brewers and the hard liquor market.   To counteract that problem, the company is in midst of globalizing and entering the hard liquor market.   Their standard concept is fresh beer done traditionally. We will write a custom essay sample on An Overview of the Anheuser-Busch Company or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now it is morphing into a tailor-made brew for a region while staying true to the traditional brews.   The changes are being enacted because the company has been losing market share to new competition and consumer preferences Anheuser-Busch Inc. 2007. Budweiser is a value for its customers because the process is an old technique, yet the company considers Budweiser as a new American Classic Lager. Customers experience a crisp taste, combined with a clean, smooth, very drinkable beer.   Budweiser beer is also made with all natural ingredients to give it a crisp taste with clarity and brilliance Anheuser-Busch Inc. 2007. At the helm of Anheuser-Busch’s management team is Patrick T. Stokes, the Director of Anheuser-Busch.   W. Randolph Baker is the CEO and Vice President of Busch Properties, Inc.   August A. Busch IV is the Director, CEO, Chairman of the Board, and President of Anheuser-Busch Inc.   Douglas J. Muhleman is the Group Vice President of Brewing Operations and Technology of Anheuser-Busch Inc. August A. Busch III is the Director.   The management is not balanced financially and it could pose a threat for the company with so much power in shares held within a small concentration of people. Their salaries range from $919,000 to $4,399,516. Once a person adds in stock options, it is plain to see that the management’s salaries are broken down by seniority, with the senior management executives 60 years old or older making an average salary of $40,090,155. Compare that to the other two executives profiled here (Busch IV Muhleman) and they receive a paltry $6,438,116.   It is obvious who wields the power within Anheuser-Busch Accelerize New Media Inc. 2007.   The problem is if there is a misstep, it falls on one person, not the board . There is a lot of power concentrated within the management sector, but the company is meeting the goals they set forth to accomplish to the shareholders Anheuser-Busch Inc. 2007.   They were honest in their assessment of their market being taken over by newer brewers and the hard liquor market taking some of their market share. They counteracted that starting in 2006, when they notified shareholders that their demographics were changing; to stop that, they would issue beer based on regional tastes, growing their core brand, and interest in expanding their portfolio with high growth, high margin products Anheuser-Busch Inc. 2007. They did reach their objectives in their Letter to the Shareholders.   On April 20, their stock was trading at 52.61 a share, close to their 52 week high of 53.32.   It is obvious that their projections and assessments about where their market share was going was correct Investor Guide 2007. The company’s strategy is where it needs to be for the future.   Their measures have enabled them to re-establish their competitive position as the premier beer producer in the world.   If one analyzes their stock over the past year, he or she will see that every time their stock suffered a loss, it came back even stronger Investor Guide.com 2007.   Anheuser-Busch is definitely a stock to invest in. Works Cited Accelerize New Media Inc.   22 Apr 2007 http://www.executivedisclosure.com/companies/310569/Anheuser‑Busch‑Companies‑Incorporated.aspx Anheuser-Busch Inc.   22 April 2007 http://www.anheuser‑busch.com/ Investor Guide.com 20 April 2007 http://www.investorguide.com/stock.cgi?ticker=BUD    How to cite An Overview of the Anheuser-Busch Company, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

A case study of a Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Collaborative Approach to Managing Complex Systems. Answer: Collaboration in association with the clients in social protection handling different approaches that has changed into a pined for way to deal with oversee achieve better results in human organizations (Emer et al. 2014). Different nations have hunt down changes gone for escalating the limit of association clients to recover however much control as could be ordinary over care choices and through the course of care. The World Health Organization (WHO) additionally has perceived total practice in human organizations happens when different success experts give wide associations by teaming up synergistically near to patients, their families, guardians and get-togethers to pass on the most raised nature of care crosswise over settings (Highsmith 2013). The limit and point of confinement of individuals in tuning in, thinking about each as other fundamental and having trust in the viewpoints of others concerning both the relationship and the connection they are joined with have been found t o push assemble arranged affiliations In this paper, it was being delineated the key arrangement of empowered exertion related fundamentally in the given case study and joined these techniques into a typical practice show up for enthusiastic thriving thought in the get-together (Phillips et al. 2014). Drawing on the exposures of the two pertinent examinations applying participatory research, we took after an iterative procedure that has been heretofore made by McCormack and McCance (2006) to develop the model. Subsequently, our presentation of research exposures is secured and specific toward working up this model. The model picks the key methodology that is significant in finishing joint exertion among individuals including affiliation customers and families in enthusiastic health mind (Lacey and Oyvry 2013). A case study of a Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment (CRHT) get-together was done in the Health South Region of Norway from 2007 to 2011 amidst a time of its foundation and operation. The broadly useful of the examination meander was to make information for new sorts of social occasion based practices for individuals encountering mental flourishing emergency (Ammerman and Weiss 2016). The examination meander, of which the pertinent examination of a CRHT is considered, related particular research methodologies including a participatory activity explore, a phenomenological expressive procedure, and a quantitative technique (Rossy and Ribaux 2014). This coherent examination utilized a participatory request approach applying multistage center get-together get-togethers to motivate and combine voices of remedial organizations pros, advantage clients and relatives. The significant subjects tended to in the obsession gather social affairs were the people's implications of excited prosperi ty emergencies, hone theories, and issues in the exhibition of CRHT inside the mental flourishing associations. Three approaches of multistage center get-together get-togethers were held amidst the period of 2008 to 2010 including (a) social assurance pros, (b) advantage clients, and (c) relatives as isolated parties (Milne et al. 2014). The multistage center get-together meetings with the remedial organizations authorities were done month to month for 24 months from January 2008 to January 2010, including all individuals from the CRHT bundle that included 12 experts one clinician, two social laborers, and nine energetic flourishing orderlies. The cross of these concentration amass social events was in the district of 1 and 1.5 hours. Three multistage center social occasion get-togethers were held with the association clients amidst a time of 6 months in 2009. Four females and two males who were association clients of the CRHT were people in this blueprint of center party gatherings with each of the six valuing the fundamental social affair meeting, and just five (four ladies and one men) partaking in the second and third amassing interviews. The people were chosen from the aggregate rundown of association clients of the CRHT gathering. The age of these social affairs starts from 24 to 64 years. The length of these obsession amass get-togethers was 1.2 to 2 hours (Karanikola et al. 2014). The obsession social affairs were driven by the specialists. Three extra multistage center social affair get-togethers were held amidst a time of 6 months in 2010 with 7 relatives who were watchmen of adolescents who had encountered energetic medical problems over a drawn out stretch out of time, some of them over 10 years. Five females and two males were people who were selected through the decisions by the mental prosperity masters in the get-together. The navigation of these concentration hideaway social affairs was 1.5 hours. The concentration social events were driven by the experts. Every single get-together were sound taped and interpreted verbatim. Condensed notes of the transcripts for each meeting were presented to the particular people (the all inclusive community with lived encounters) at the start of the accompanying meeting for data and to give a setting to open exchange. Beginning there the inf ormation were investigated utilizing a topical examination orchestrated in a hermeneutic-phenomenological way to deal with oversee choose key subjects over the distinctive blueprints of information The crisis of resolution and the intensifying the treatment at home. This participatory activity research was done with the obsession package meets as the vital procedure applying open talk as the approach for the practice progress at a starting late settled CRHT gathering (Hamric et al. 2013). Open exchange (OD) both as the reasoning and the framework was the clarification behind practice progress in the CRHT gathering and for the examination procedure. Open exchange was shown at the essential get-togethers and fortified through talks at the running with sessions as the approach for get-together talked and as an approach to manage makes hone approaches. The point of view of and process in open talk, underline the use of dialogic reflection among all people in a get-together. The immense basics of open exchange at first made as an approach for psychiatric care which meld (a) tuning in, (b) openness to others' encounters, perspectives, recommendations, and understandings, and (c) dial ogic organization, were related in the obsession gather talks. It could be said this usage of open exchange fuses both the clinical (i.e., psychiatric) introduction and a non-clinical social event work introduction. The joining of open exchange the concentration save gatherings construed for all people (i.e., the co-analysts including association clients, master focuses/relatives and the inspectors) to be required with the system of open talk for clinical fundamental considering, in making hone approaches, and in managing separations, clashes, and stirred up suppositions (Cowen and Moorhead 2014). The significant focuses ascending out of the technique for the open talk in this examination were (a) with respect to insecurity, and (b) adaptability for the shortcoming. The obsession aggregate talked pulled in all people in totally staying for examinations of scrambled conditions from a blend of points of view, keeping up a key partition from terminations with indisputable or settled considerations. This included comprehending how to respect defenselessness and a good 'old fashioned sentiment commitment concerns helping all people to stay open. Having and drawing upon past clinical encounters were profitable in this and moreover being open and willing to work with models that the co-specialists appeared and investigated. With respect to likewise deduced a confirmation of changing or constraining understandings as suitable ones. In spite of in regards to weakness, the people cleared up the strategy with a need to stay open particularly in administering begging to be proven wrong cl inical practice issues. Seeing that there is nobody answer or approach was fundamental and tended to the point of adaptability for shortcoming (Hojat et al. 2015). Resistance for shakiness proposed being able to be flexible in principle and expecting the stunning and phenomenal in conditions and was clear in perceiving and tuning into what individuals included genuinely anticipated that would state. It invigorated bothering issues, opening up for a course of action of points of view on what was happening and trying to discover words for the encounters and exercises. Open dialogue, in which regarding unsteadiness and continuing with feebleness were kept up, was the structure through which tried among the general population was proficient to direct conditions of moving appraisals and approaches and to get in contact at ordinarily engaging courses of action. Open trade made it workable for the general population to reveal themselves without destinations so that both self-observation through reflections and basic cognizance through affirmation of others' perspectives were possible. This was crucial, as self-perception is key for arranging shared appreciation. Open trade overhauled shared real master that relied on upon in the wake of understanding others' perspectives and looks at proposals from different view-centers (Milne et al. 2014). Collaborative practices in mental thriving believed is conceptualized as a way to deal with oversee upgrade the adequacy of care to association clients in social occasion settings. It is an association model that joins support among the ace expert affiliations, advantage clients and families in (an) investigating excited thriving issues and individual assets, (b) making amusement arrangements of care and picking ways to deal with oversee medications and medications, (c) executing and working through care and pharmaceuticals and (d) looking over outcomes of associations. The model is made out of four areas: (a) the structure for association introduction, (b) two interconnected total structures, (c) the measures of formed effort, and (d) the frameworks of shared practice. The proposed model for collaborative practices in the community of the psychological wellness mind addresses how profitable joint effort can happen in the exhibit of get-together enthusiastic flourishing thought, putting association clients at the purpose of union of practice. The model is standardizing as in it pre-configures the structure for practice that puts advantage clients at the purpose of joining of practice and shows encouraged effort that is molded by three stages and two key philosophies (Ignatavicius and Workman 2015). This paper addresses the present demand for enthusiastic flourishing felt that weights coordination and cooperation. Since the proposed model is a standardizing one, it is central to increase lift understandings concerning its relevance in enthusiastic flourishing sharpen. References Ammerman, S.D. and Weiss, C., 2016. Designing, Implementing and Assessing a Novel Text-Messaging Intervention for an Adolescent Mobile Health Clinic: A Collaborative Approach. J Child Adolesc Behav, 4(299), p.2. Cowen, P.S. and Moorhead, S., 2014. Current issues in nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences. Emer, L., Cowling, M., Mowlds, E. and O'connor, J., 2014. Oregon Public Health Division: Building a Collaborative Approach to Accreditation Across a State Public Health System. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 20(1), pp.93-95. Hamric, A.B., Hanson, C.M., Tracy, M.F. and O'Grady, E.T., 2013. Advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach. Elsevier Health Sciences. Highsmith, J., 2013. Adaptive software development: a collaborative approach to managing complex systems. Addison-Wesley. Hojat, M., Bianco, J.A., Mann, D., Massello, D. and Calabrese, L.H., 2015. Overlap between empathy, teamwork and integrative approach to patient care.Medical teacher,37(8), pp.755-758. Ignatavicius, D.D. and Workman, M.L., 2015. Medical-surgical nursing: Patient-centered collaborative care. Elsevier Health Sciences. Karanikola, M.N., Albarran, J.W., Drigo, E., Giannakopoulou, M., Kalafati, M., Mpouzika, M., Tsiaousis, G.Z. and Papathanassoglou, E.D., 2014. Moral distress, autonomy and nursephysician collaboration among intensive care unit nurses in Italy. Journal of nursing management, 22(4), pp.472-484. Lacey, P. and Oyvry, C., 2013. People with Profound Multiple Learning Disabilities: A Collaborative Approach to Meeting. Routledge. Milne, B.J., Lay-Yee, R., McLay, J., Tobias, M., Tuohy, P., Armstrong, A., Lynn, R., Pearson, J., Mannion, O. and Davis, P., 2014. A collaborative approach to bridging the research-policy gap through the development of policy advice software. Evidence Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 10(1), pp.127-136. Phillips, S.M., Alfano, C.M., Perna, F.M. and Glasgow, R.E., 2014. Accelerating translation of physical activity and cancer survivorship research into practice: recommendations for a more integrated and collaborative approach. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers. Rossy, Q. and Ribaux, O., 2014. A collaborative approach for incorporating forensic case data into crime investigation using criminal intelligence analysis and visualisation. Science Justice, 54(2), pp.146-153.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Theories of Desire

Introduction Sophocles wrote the play Antigone in the classic year 442BC. Antigone continues to draw interests and literary debates in the postmodernism era. Chief among the discussions in the play revolves around theories, obsessions and new perspectives of the classic play. It has been observed that, as a point of fact, the play has been an obsession in the 18th century to date. Indeed, scholastic interest and analysis explain the relationship between Antigone and the modern political, controversial and conflict laden times.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Theories of Desire specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nonetheless, other quarters are of the view that Antigone presents nothing to be thought about in the modern hence dismissing its relevance to modern interests and applications. This paper takes the modern approach in referring to the relevancy of the play by critically giving an insight on the pers pectives of the theories of desire. It is argued that desire in Antigone is greater than the confines of men and laws. Theories of Desire Desire in this context is used to describe the obsession that people have in the society. Obsession takes different shapes in the society because people have different experiences. An attempt to understand Antigone must be backed by modern adaptations of the play by the likes of Jean Cocteau, Bertolt Brecht, Jean Anouilh and Heaney. In the Anouilh’s text, the greatest concern revolves around an attack of the family, youth, lofty, ideals and love and friendship. Contrary to Sophocles play, Anouilh leaves the powerful illustration of the philosophy of the desire for death, foreignness and mixed registers. An analysis of these differences between the modern and classical texts helps to understand the mystery surrounding the philosophy of death in Sophocles’s Antigone. In the classical Antigone, Sophocles clearly illustrates that Antigon e as a character is foreign to the land of Thebes as indicated by her words to her father shortly before his death. In the play, her nature of desire is hard to understand and is coupled with her religious concerns. This is different from Anouilh texts that espouse that Antigone choice of death is a motivation by the dullness and lack of passion in life due to loneliness. This life according to Anouilh is one that repeats itself in a cycle explained by boredom from one lack of compelling life cycle to another meaningless in the other. A reference to Anouilh may partly explain the recent happenings of the uprisings in the Muslim and Arab worlds (Sophocles and Johnston, p. 5). By analogy, the ideal held by the toppled governments represents Creon’s actions in some respects. The young and the old in these states represent the Antigone in Anouilh’s text. Years of state neglect to the necessary and basic requirements of the people found desires and insistence to live better lives embedded in the daily struggle and hearts of the citizens of these countries. Therefore, it is from one basic act of denying the necessary needs required for better lives in the future that finds form in a forceful nature. This is through sacrifice of lives and blood shedding, just like in Antigone.Advertising Looking for research paper on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Sophocles the idea of foreignness shadows Antigone’s actions and desires. Recapping the view of the Muslim and Arab worlds, it is also clear that the citizen’s modern approach to things is extremely foreign to the age old perspectives of the older order. Fueled by the modern use of technology especially, social media, the youth in these countries have the connection of a family with ideals and views that those in power are not privy to and do not even understand. For the old order, it is their home ground register; however, for the new generations, this is their point of action hence particularly foreign to what has already been established. The insistence on religiosity is a constant reminder of the value of belief in what is right and justice to follow. For Antigone, this bordered the belief she had in her traditions and hence her religion. For the youth in these countries, the belief in change for a better life and the need to chart new courses resembles what was in Antigone. However, Anouilh’s text must guide this view in the analysis that the Arab world uprising is not about the choice of death as Creon observes. Therefore, it becomes crucial to note that Anouilh’s text at this juncture departs from the tenets of the Arab life and its consequences to the modern people. It is the desire to right what is wrong in order that the future generations may reap the benefits of the philosophy of death. This is captured by Sophocles in Antigone of which later Creon finds truth in. In this sense then Antigone from Anouilh becomes a stranger to what Sophocles intended. The misrepresentation of Anouilh, thus, allows an understanding of the real impact of tragedy one that is well captured by Sophocles. In the words of Marcel Anouilh’s work lacks the quality needed to explain human drama. According to him, Antigone’s by Sophocles, actions and desires can only be explained by invoking the ideas in religion just like Kierkegaard. Therefore, in this view, Anouilh’s text is a secularization of the actions in the tragedy Antigone (Sophocles and Johnston, p. 15). Sophocles tragedy is a clear emphasis on the absolute contradiction and irreconcilability between Antigone and Creon. Clearly from their perspectives they are both right in a powerful cancellation between the state and kinship. The problem is that they cannot comprehend one another’s moral point of view and power in Sophocles text.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Theories of Desire specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conflict, as Sophocles espouses appears as a first layer of disharmony through antinomy in that between the two no one is ready to cede ground for the other of which Anouilh fails to indicate just Jean Racine’s text. In these two texts, Antigone’s world is characterized as a doubt between the living and the dead through biological explanations. Creon and Antigone as presented Racine and Antigone indicate that they both had options, but they clearly intended to be antagonistic. On Antigone’s insistence on foreignness and Kierkegaard rendition of the extent of subjectivity, it becomes clear that conflict between the state and the subject is a guaranteed occurrence. The fact lies in the view that taboos and transgressions in the society act in unison to decide the fate of those who uphold them at the expense of the state. Lacking commensurability in the ab ove view again is a source of conflict between the subject and the state based on guilt held by the subject. In this view Antigone, qualifies for both options in Sophocles classic Antigone. By extension, this explains the modern relationship between governments and their subjects. While religion states equality and democracy, â€Å"just like the flowing waters†; a deep surgical analysis reveals that even the most democratic governments have instances of conspicuous treatment just like in Creon’s rule. Thus, Kierkegaard’s observation that deviating from aesthetics is a necessity brings truth home in the case of modernity. This reinforces his assertion that it is the rebirth of modern tragedy. Taking the example of the declaration of emergency situations in any nation, it can be noted that not all subjects behave in a certain way to call for such measures. On the contrary, there are citizens who are good at least in light of the situation while their brothers and sisters are on the wrong side of the law. However, in this case, the good suffer without any attempt to rationalize the boundaries. On the second note, the subject’s desire in favor of her point of view clearly puts the state and the subject on a collision path. A subject has the obligation to follow what the state requires of for effective and efficient governance. In addition, democracy defines that the voice of the majority should be heard. If the subject is not given his or her due demands, then necessary suffering is taken as justice. This is aimed at restoring the state under the invisible power of the subject. Further, this may translate to blood letting by a few who appear not realistic. In the end justice is achieved by the action of a few who deny their lives for a better cause. Therefore, in this desire, politics and what is necessary right governs the occurrence of such tragedy. Suffering can be in the form of death or even exile. In Sophocles Antigone, there is t he displacement of things from their normal order. In terms of gender and religion, Antigone as a character goes overboard of what is Athenian for her gender. Secondly, Antigone does not represent the state or the kinship and neither the living nor the dead.Advertising Looking for research paper on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This intermixing of desires lacks from Anouilh’s text. The fact that the play supports Antigone, though an outsider to the happenings; Teireisia, reveals that Sophocles’ view of the state as a static entity should be questioned under the guidance of principles not easily settled on common human understanding (Sophocles and Johnston, p. 39). Antigone’s desire is absent according to Hegel. She represents what is admirable and what is acceptable in excess is too good to live. She represents those who cannot allow the state to carry own its activities without regard to whether right or wrong. This excess leads to Antigone showing that the way to gods who live in such excess. The occurrence of such needs for balance of equality on laws to all things under mankind is explained by this excess. Therefore, Sophocles’ text is a powerful reference to modernity on the will and power of religion, as opposed to the state authority. Antigone in the theory of desire as p resented by Sophocles is finally an examination of the problems of laws, family and state. Antigone’s actions do not support any at either perspectives, and the boundaries that lie between them are the necessary ingredients to tragedy. The customs, the taboos and religion, and gender all play as factors to make desire in any one of these disastrous and dangerous. In essence, Antigone finds fault in what is established, but not written down as any law. This is forms Antigone’s desire to rise above this tragedy. Conclusion In this analysis, therefore, it is worthy to note that the desire in Antigone is greater than the confines of men and laws. It is greater than the state and all its wise men, greater than family obedience, greater than love and the powers operating in the realm of human understanding. Antigone’s desire was thus like a process of justifying freedom in the confines of the society. However, religion should guide this proclamation. Works Cited Sopho cles and Johnston C. Ian. Antigone. Arlington, Virginia: Richer Resources Publications, 2007. Print. This research paper on Theories of Desire was written and submitted by user Aver1 to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Define and Explain Revolution in Astronomy

Define and Explain Revolution in Astronomy Revolution is an important concept to understand when youre studying the stars. It refers to the movement of a planet around the Sun. All of the planets in our solar system revolve around the sun. The path of the earth around the sun which is one complete cycle of an orbit is approximately 365.2425 days in length. Planetary revolution can sometimes be confused with planetary rotation but they are two separate things. Difference Between Revolution and Rotation While revolution and rotation are similar concepts each is used to describe two different things. Planets, like Earth, revolve or travel around the sun. But the Earth is also spinning on what is called an axis, this rotation is what gives us our night and day cycle. If the Earth didnt spin then only one side of it would face the sun during its revolution. This would make the other side of the Earth very cold as we need the sun for light and heat. This ability to spin on an axis is called rotation. What Is a Terrestrial Year? A full revolution of the Earth around the Sun is known as a terrestrial, or earth year. It takes roughly 365 days for the Earth to complete this revolution. This is what our calendar year is based on.  The Gregorian Calendar is based on the revolution of the earth around the sun to be 365.2425 days in length. The inclusion of a leap year, one where we have an extra day happens every four years to account for the .2425. As Earths orbit changes the length of our years changes as well. These types of changes usually happen over millions of years. Does the Moon Revolve Around Earth? The moon orbits, or revolves, around the Earth. Each planet affects the other one. The moon has some interesting effects on the Earth. Its gravitational pull is responsible for the rise and fall of the tides. Some people believe that the full moon, a stage in the moons revolution, causes humans to act strangely. However, there is no scientific proof to back up the claim that strange things happen during the full moon. Does the Moon Rotate? The moon does not rotate because it is gravitationally locked with the Earth. The moon has synched up with the Earth in such a way that the same side of the moon is always facing the earth. This is why the Moon always looks the same. Its known that at one point the moon did rotate on its own axis. As our gravitational pull on the  moon got stronger the moon stopped rotating. What Is a Galactic Year? The time it takes for the solar system to orbit the center of the Milky Way Galaxy is referred to as a galactic year. Its also known as a cosmic year. There are 225 to 250 Million terrestrial (earth) years in one galactic year. Thats a long trip!

Friday, November 22, 2019

15 Purposes for Parentheses

15 Purposes for Parentheses 15 Purposes for Parentheses 15 Purposes for Parentheses By Mark Nichol Parentheses are versatile tools for writers. These examples illustrate their uses; use them to enclose the following: Examples, directions, explanations, and clarifications: 1. â€Å"Retain ampersands when they appear as part of an official name (Barnes Noble, Ben Jerry’s).† 2. â€Å"At that point, you may want to consult with a professional. (Refer to the Resources chapter for a list of tax advisers.)† 3. â€Å"Here is a selective glossary of editing and production terms. (Synonyms are in italics; cross-referenced terms are in bold italics.)† 4. â€Å"Precede the dollar amount with the initials US only to avoid confusion (in, say, an article about Australia, where the basic unit of currency is also called the dollar).† Numerals that confirm a spelled-out number in a contract: 5. â€Å"The confirmation letter is due within thirty (30) days.† Abbreviations (usually) after the first reference to the full version of the term: 6. â€Å"The country’s import and export levels are regulated by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).† Note: If the abbreviation is well known or is used again within the next sentence or two after the full name, omit the parenthesized abbreviation immediately after it. Numbers or letters that distinguish items in a run-in list: 7. â€Å"The constituent parts are (1) the thingamajig, (2) the whatchamacallit, and (3) the whatsit.† Note: Sometimes, only the close parenthesis is used in this format. However, usually, neither numbers nor parentheses are necessary in such cases. Modifying words or phrases, or interjections: 8. â€Å"The writer will (one hopes) produce well-crafted prose.† 9. â€Å"It turns out that he had (gasp!) told the truth.† Translations, pronunciations, or equivalents: 10. â€Å"She ran from the kuma (bear).† 11. â€Å"Stay at the warung (wah-ROONG) near the mosque.† 12. â€Å"The distance from Marseille to Paris is 771 kilometers (479 miles).† The area code in a phone number or a unit in a mathematical or logical expression: 13. â€Å"(213) 867-5309† 14. â€Å"a(b) = c† In-text citations: 15. â€Å"However, the literature is ambivalent on this issue (Howard, Fine, and Howard 1925; Marx et al. 1912).† Punctuation in Parentheses A full sentence in parentheses is capitalized and is followed by a period preceding the closing parenthesis: â€Å"Have these resources on hand before you begin. (Items listed in parentheses are desirable but not essential.)† A partial sentence in parentheses is not capitalized and is not followed by a period but may precede a question mark or exclamation point: â€Å"Use a dark, fine-pointed pen (erasable pens allow for neat alteration) or pencil.† â€Å"Now that you’re finished (you are finished, aren’t you?), we will proceed.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Regarding Re:The Letter "Z" Will Be Removed from the English AlphabetWoof or Weft?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reading journal about a book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading journal about a book - Essay Example ookie’s character, illustrating a deep need for emotional and sexual gratification by others which confuses her identity and how she should be perceived in the story. While others are deeply concerned about her well-being, which Sookie clearly appreciates, she questions herself regularly and over-analyzes scenarios with a deep concern that she might betray, offend or otherwise harm others. Sex is a major theme which Sookie seems to equate with acceptance and approval, yet in some ways it seems to be a mockery to this character. She is duplicitous, for sure, and this impacts what she chooses to give to others when describing death, friendship, betrayal and other concepts. From a gender perspective, there is little method by which to clearly classify what type of gender persona she really is enacted; or desires to enact. Her obsession with cuddling and physical embrace seems to be the only method by which she finds comfort in her own identity. When she is more aggressive and assertive, she keeps it to her thoughts, such as stating that she is mad at another person, but chooses not to express this openly. She seems to internalize many of her conflicts, making it so that others in her social environment remain unaware that she is so duplicitous and complex. In one situation, she says of Alcide, â€Å"screw him† to show indifference, yet she dreams of making love to Alcide secretly. It seems she wants others to believe she is self-sufficient, confident and strong, but in reality it is the need for romance that drives the majority of her motivations. Far from discussing the storyline in-depth, it is Sookie’s complexity of character and personality and how it chooses to present itself to others that makes the story so compelling in terms of gender identity and gender

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Assignment 1- Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment 1- Accounting - Essay Example In a balance sheet, the sum of all the liabilities and the equity of an organization should be equal to the assets; as all the assets would either be financed through taking up liabilities or providing equity to the stockholders. Therefore, Assets are the economic resources that are owned by an organization. They may be tangible in nature such as building, inventory, cash, accounts receivable etc., or intangible in nature such as good will. Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of assets; Fixed and Current Assets. Currents assets are assets which can be easily converted into cash such as inventory and accounts receivable. Assets which cannot be easily converted into cash such as real estate, buildings are known as fixed assets. Liabilities are debt that is held by an organization. An organization may have taken up debt from its suppliers, or banks, or vendors and creditors. This section shows all the money that an organization has to pay off, in the short term or in the long terms. The third section, Equity, is another method of raising money, where shares are given to stockholders and money is taken from them for the purpose of the business. Shares help the stockholders become part owners of the organization. Balance sheet provides information regarding the trends that are present related to an organization regarding the elements of the balance sheet. A comparative analysis of balance sheet items such as accounts receivable, accounts payable would help identify trends over the years regarding these assets and liabilities. Or are the cash reserves declining over the years; the investors might then look deeply into the matter to see the reason behind it. In short, it provides the changing scenario of the organization over the years; in a profit and loss statement, the information is pertaining to that certain year only. Fixed Assets are a part of the Assets; they are those assets of the organization which cannot be easily converted into

Saturday, November 16, 2019

What is learning Essay Example for Free

What is learning Essay ?What is learning? From born to dead, we non-stop to learning, how to sound, walk, study knowledge, even working skill. We learn in our whole life. But what is learning? Why we need to learn? Is it to follow other success person so we need to learn? Gagne(1965) describe learning as four factors, Drive, Stimulus, Response and Reinforcement. For every learning process before it start there are also have a reason to basic on, whatever we are learning a knowledge or a skill. And this is the factor of drive, it can improve you to want to learn. It can be a basic need or other drive. For example, a baby learning how to speak, it can describe as a basic need drive, because the baby want to let his mother father to know what his want, and speak is the most effective and efficient way to achieve, thats why the baby go to learn. In stimulus factor of Gagne theory, learner must be stimulated by the learning process, because some of stimulus can make the learner to drew some nature response, it can help them to learn more effect and efficient. And when the learner in the learning process, they will get some individual stimulus, that is the feel of the new thing of you learn. When the stimulus was occur on the learner, they will take a response such as increased skills and knowledge. This stage must occur after process of drive and stimulus. The last factor is reinforcement, when the learner taking some new skill or knowledge, those thing may forget quickly, because we also can not remember now thing hardly for first time, that’s why we need to practice to reinforcement the new skill or knowledge. In the process on the learning, there have many variable element, such as what type of the learner are, what the way are adopt to learn, those variable will influence the result of the learning process. Below we will talking about those variable, how those influence the result. Learning styles encompass a series of theories suggesting systematic differences in individuals natural or habitual pattern of acquiring and processing information in learning situations. A core concept is that individuals differ in how they learn. The idea of individualized learning styles originated in the 1970s, and has greatly influenced education. Proponents of the use of learning styles in education recommend that teachers assess the learning styles of their students and adapt their classroom methods to best fit each students learning style. Although there is ample evidence that individuals express preferences for how they prefer to receive information, few studies have found any validity in using learning styles in education. Critics say there is no evidence that identifying an individual students learning style produces better outcomes. There is evidence of empirical and pedagogical problems related to the use of learning tasks to‘correspond to differences in a one-to-one fashion. ’Well-designed studies contradict the widespread meshing hypothesis, that a student will learn best if taught in a method deemed appropriate for the students learning style. Learning styles are a popular concept in psychology and education that are intended to identify how people learn best. The popularity of this concept grew dramatically during the 1970s and 1980s, despite the evidence suggesting that personal learning preferences have no actual influence on learning results. While the existing research has found that matching teaching methods to learning styles had no influence on educational outcomes, the concept of learning styles remains extremely popular. There are many different ways of categorizing learning styles including Kolbs model and the Jungian learning styles. Neil Flemings VARK model is one of the most popular representations. In 1987, Fleming developed an inventory designed to help students and others learn more about their individual learning preferences. David A. Kolbs model is based on the Experiential learning Theory, as explained in his book Experiential Learning. The ELT model outlines two related approaches toward grasping experience: Concrete Experience and Abstract Conceptualization, as well as two related approaches toward transforming experience: Reflective Observation and Active Experimentation. According to Kolbs model, the ideal learning process engages all four of these modes in response to situational demands. In order for learning to be effective, all four of these approaches must be incorporated. As individuals attempt to use all four approaches, however, they tend to develop strengths in one experience-grasping approach and one experience-transforming approach. The resulting learning styles are combinations of the individuals preferred approaches. For type of the learner, it can classification as 16 different type, as Serialist vs. Holist, Controlled vs. Impulsive, Dependant vs. Independent, Mature vs. Immature, Structured vs. Unstructured, Familiar vs. Unfamiliar, Instructional vs. Experimental, Deep learning vs. Surface learning. To identify what type the learner are, we can uses some of test to calculate it, and this is also a important step, because different type of learner will have stimulus by different learning way. As the way of learning, they were through words, questions, through images, pictures and abstract representations , through music and rhythm, through movements or physical activities, through social interaction and through independence or self-interaction. Those analysis by Gardner, in 1999. For suggest learner to used different way to learn, Riding (1997) to publish that, Cognitive Style, that’s mean an individual’s consistent preferences for particular ways of gathering, processing and storing information and experiences. It is a fusion of methods of thinking and of personality. And he also also warned about the possibility of confusing style with ability in 1997. Those theory bring out one mine idea that everyone who before go to learn, they should to find out what kind of they are, and what method are suitable for first, that is the most important. But this is not a easily even for an experience teacher, that’s why teacher should have a reliable and valid instrument, because some characteristics are not discernable, by (Beaty 1986; Dunn, Dunn, and Price 1977; Marcus 1977 How to Implement and Supervise a Learning Style Program, P. 9). Cognitive Style and learning style two-oriented theories and models mostly in the late twentieth century (1950) proposed that the two are very similar at first glance, very confusing. Jonassen Grabowski (1993) explain the main difference between the two is that learning styles were analyzed only for the learner preferences, without taking into consideration the actual ability of learners. To calculate the type of the learner are, there have few popular method to measure Cognitive Style, and there usually will identify as two big type of style. (Riding,1997 ). They are ‘wholist-analytical(WA)’ and ‘verbaliser-imager(VI) type. The wholist-analytical group are concerned with whether the individual processes and organizes data as a whole or in a piecemeal fashion and the verbaliser-imager group are concerned with whether the individual normally represents information in their memory as pictures or as words during the process of thinking. We can use Belbin test, MBTI test, and VARK Questionnaire test VARK Questionnaire test is a method to analysis a person learning style, basic on their gift and ability, VARK model as well as other learning style theories has been questioned and criticized extensively. One large scale look at learning style models suggested that the instruments designed to assess individual learning styles were questionable, while other critics have suggested that labeling students as having one specific learning style can actually be a hindrance to learning. Despite the criticism and lack of empirical support, the VARK model remains fairly popular among both students and educators. Many students immediately recognize that they are drawn to a particular learning style. Others may find that their learning preferences lie somewhere in the middle. For example, a student might feel that both visual and auditory learning is the most appealing. While aligning teaching strategies to learning styles may or may not be effective, students might find that understanding their own learning preferences can be helpful. For example, if you know that visual learning appeals to you most, using visual study strategies in conjunction with other learning methods might help you better remember the information you are studying or at the very least make studying more enjoyable. So what happens if no single learning preference calls out to you? What if you change preferences based on the situation or the type of information you are learning? In such instances, you probably have what is known as a multimodal style. For example, you might rely on your reading and writing preferences when you are dealing with a class that requires a great deal of book reading and note-taking, such as a history of psychology course. During an art class, you might depend more on your visual and kinesthetic preferences as you take in pictorial information and learn new techniques. There have four item to take a mark, Visual, Aural, Read and Kinesthetic. Visual learner are good at receive of image information some picture as charts, diagrams. illustrations, notes, and videos are all let visual learners easily to remember the information . People who prefer this type of learning would rather see information presented in a visual rather than in written form. Aural (or auditory) learners is good to learning by use of there ears . They more perfer to get a good part out of lectures and are good at remembering speech by people of there mouth. Reading and writing learners more likely to get information through as words. Learning source that are primarily text-based are strongly preferred by these learners. Kinesthetic (or tactile) learners learn best by touching and doing. Hands-on experience is important to kinesthetic learners. Of the outcome of my test of doing VARK test, my result are Visual: 5, Aural: 9 , Read/Write: 2, Kinesthetic: 9, that is mean that im good at aural and kinesthetic. Those of sound and touching thing and resource are effect for me to learning, those are stimulate way for me. That’s mean listing the teacher told and feel the new thing. Belbin test is a analysis method of calculate role of team of a person, this develop by Dr. Meredith Belbin in Cambridge, UK. Its main function are help tester to know himself, from self-character to other people idea of himself. And calculate the tester career development. It can understand the member of the team person working style quickly. Then you can know how to communicate with, and make the performance be more efficient and effect. And the nine type is Shaper (SH), Implementer (IMP), Completer-Finisher (CF), Coordinator (CO), Team Worker (TW), Resource Investigator (RI), Plant (PL), Monitor-Evaluator (ME) and Specialist (SP). As my know of myself, I will describe myself as Implementer (IMP), because its characteristic are Implementers are the people who get things done. They turn the teams ideas and concepts into practical actions and plans. They are typically conservative, disciplined people who work systematically and efficiently and are very well organized. These are the people who you can count on to get the job done. On the downside, Implementers may be inflexible and can be somewhat resistant to change. For my target career as a business administrative, this is suitable for of the role of the Implementer (IMP). MMDI test, full name is Myers Briggs Type Indicator, this test let character describe as sixteen type, this sixteen type include all human behavior, they are 1)ESTJ male chauvinism 2)ESTP challenge 3)ESFJ master 4)ESFP show off 5)ENTJ general 6)ENTP inventor 7)ENFJ educationalist 8)ENFP reporter 9)ISTJ public servant 10)ISTP adventure 11)ISFJ take care 12)ISFP art 13)INTJ professional 14)INTP scholar 15)INFJ author 16)INFP philosopher. Those of them also have benefit and weak point and no one is the best. When I finish the test, I know that im the type of the ESFJ master adventure one, this is different between I estimate one as ESTP challenge one, therefore, ESFJ as Enthusiastic, talkative, popular, responsible natural collaborators, active member of the committee. May be longer than the creation of a harmonious and harmony. Often doing good to others. Encouragement and praise when you get the best work. The main interest lies in those things that have a direct and significant impact on peoples lives. In the analysis, ESFJ is suitable of occupation such as Housekeeping Nurse, Administration, Teachers, Family Physicians, Clergy or other religious workers Office Manager, Counselor, Accountant, Administrative Assistant, this is matching with my target career as administrative.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Advertising and Promotion Strategy Name Institution Essay -- Marketing

Advertising and Promotion Strategy Raising awareness about the product a company has at hand is where business begins and it is a great teller of how successful the product will be in the competitive market. The art of communication has become a vital aspect and this is attributed to the fact that there are a wide variety of channels of communication that a company can employ. It is therefore advisable that as a company you be able to come up with a marketing strategy that will make your products stand out from the rest of the crowd. The company should be able to create a message that will be used in giving the product a position in the market. In the current world internet has changed the way business is being conducted and issues of targeting and segmentation are being handled differently (Milkman, 2008). All this is done with the intention of increasing the revenue and profits of a given organization. It is all about the connections we have that will make us be able to sell our products best. You should be able to tell why the consumers should be able to buy the products you have in the market by summarizing the details about the product. Have a unique approach that will make the consumers have a reason for conducting business with you. Through communication, you are able to act as the problem solver for your consumers and create trust for them. You have to summarize the products services and the package options the organization has and the benefits of each to the consumer. The communication strategy adopted should be one that will give you feedback once the product has been released into the market. As an organization, they should expect both a positive and a negative feedback. Due to this they should be armed with ... ...1, Vol. 81. (36). 34. Charles W. L., Joseph F. H. & Jr., Carl, M. (2009). Essentials of Marketing, Canada: South Western Cengage Learning. Edelman, D. C. (2010). Branding in the Digital Age. Harvard Business Review. Vol 88. 62-69. Ludi, K. & Steve, B. (2005). Marketing Communications. Johannesburg: Juta and Company Limited. Marieke, K. & de, M. (2010). Global Marketing and Advertising: Understanding Cultural Paradoxes. London: Sage Publishers, Milkman, K. L. (2008) Tap Consumers' Desire for "Shoulds". Harvard Business Review. Jul-Aug. Vol. 86. I (7/8). 22-23. O’Connell, A. (2010). Reading the Public Mind. Deshpandà ©, Rohit Why You Aren't Buying Venezuelan Chocolate. Harvard Business Review. Vol. 88. 25-27. Ogilvie, J.R. (2006). CLEP Principles of Management: The Best Test Preparation for the CLEP. New Jersey: Research & Education Association. .

Monday, November 11, 2019

Nigerian Legal System Essay

The settlements in due course, either by conquest or by other growth processes, metamorphosed into kingdoms, empires and principalities, which by accident of history and by numerous geographical handicaps II or fortunes (as the case might be), attained varying levels of political, social, cultural and economic development. Certain physical features influenced the occupational distribution of the early settlers, as well as their type of ancestral workshop. For example, northwards were savanna areas; the inhabitants were chiefly pastoral; they worshipped the god of the sky. Southwards were the forest belts; for the settlers who were mainly farmers, the object of their worship was the god of land. Still further southwards are the coastland areas; the settlers were mainly fishermen and they worshipped the goddess of the sea. With time, these groups interacted with considerable frequency and in consonance with some established and regular process. Indeed, the notion of settlement itself connotes a level of human organisation; and where there is an organization, there has to be a scheme of rules or laws and compulsion to enforce obedience if the group or society must survive and continue. Each of the ethnic- linguistic groups therefore had its own concept of law, judicial process and customary laws without which human society could not exist. These laws played a prominent role in the regulation of the affairs of members of the group. They varied with space, character and level of socio-economic development and challenges which faced the various settlements. As should be expected therefore, there were manifestation of different (and sometimes conflicting) ways and conditions as one moved from one place or age to another or one empire or kingdom to another and across the jurisdiction of different customary laws.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Great collection of poems Essay

Philip Larkin wrote a great collection of poems of varying themes. These range from religion to the past to people. However a lot of his poems all have a common moral. It seems that at the end of his poems he reflects on the theme in his poem and finds a hidden meaning which relates to life in general. Most of these ‘morals’ however seem to show that he has found something very disappointing as a result. Some of his poems are also just reflections on something about life whether it’s to short or not worth it. ‘Days’ by Philip Larkin is a short poem which questions the nature of our existence. It talks about time passing and asks â€Å"what are days for? † He answers this question by say they are â€Å"where we live†. He also says that â€Å"they are to be happy in† but we can ask ourselves whether Larkin is happy. In the poem Larkin reaches a bizarre conclusion but not really the one he was looking for. The last verse begins with â€Å"Ah† as if in revelation Larkin has realised something. He tells us that solving the question of â€Å"what are days for? † means that â€Å"the priest and the doctor in their long coats† apparently come â€Å"running over the fields†. This is a strange conclusion but is Larkin’s way of telling us there is no answer. The priest represents the spiritual understanding of time and why we are here and the doctor represents the scientific answer. They are both wearing long coats, their typical dress as in a lab coat and religious robes. Both are â€Å"running over the fields† in an attempt to reach their goal which is the answer to Larkin’s question. His question is not really about days but is in fact asking why we are here? What is the point of time and us living in it? This is a very cynical view to take on life and express through his poetry. If Larkin is questioning his existence does he believe he actually has a purpose? This poem has a connection with ‘Toads’ and ‘Toads Revisited† where Larkin describes work as a boring, pointless portion of life and says it is a waste of time. ‘Ignorance’ is another poem in Larkin’s collection ‘The Whitsun Weddings’. Ignorance is the state of not knowing i. e. someone is ignorant. Larkin opens by saying â€Å"strange to know nothing,† this is neither question nor fact. Larkin could be imagining what it would be like to know nothing implying he is intelligent or he could be questioning everything he knows. The poem is written in simplistic language which is almost child-like. This makes the poem more daunting, making our education and knowledge insignificant. He is trying to persuade us that we can only be sure of one thing, complete ignorance. Larkin seems to agree with the saying ‘True Knowledge exists in knowing you know nothing’. The poem seems to be representing a forthcoming, inevitable end. The poem is really telling us that everything is available to be questioned or changed, nothing is certain. It is another way of questioning our existence showing again Larkin is so uncertain about life and he appears to be disappointed that there is no underlying purpose. ‘Faith Healing’ is another of Larkin’s poems in which he makes a disappointing conclusion on life. The poem is told by a persona watching a faith healing group. A faith healer is someone who has a connection with God and by seeing them you are able to make that connection to and be ‘faith healed’. The most famous faith healer would be Jesus who many people see as genuine however the persona in this poem is very cynical and believes this ‘performance’ going on in front of him is a big scam. The persona describes â€Å"the women† filing â€Å"to where he stands†. This shows that only women feel the need to be faith healed here ands it implies the gullibility of women because the persona is showing that men would not usually attend because they know it’s fake. The man at the front, the ‘faith healer’ is dressed as a vicar; â€Å"rimless glasses, silver hair, dark suit, white collar† This is to show his religious connection with God. His voice is American which is very stereotypical because these sessions are more common over there and are often broadcast on television. The poem goes on to describe the women being â€Å"clasped† by the man and how after the â€Å"twenty seconds† of being connected they are told to leave. It appears that many of these people are completely in awe after this experience because they believe strongly enough that they have been healed and touched by God. They all move â€Å"sheepishly stray†. This is a religious quote from the bible but it also shows that some of the people were in shock and are now scared to re-enter into their lives changed. The last verse shows the persona being very cynical about the experience and the reader gets the impression that he sees no point in what he has just witnessed. He comes to the conclusion that the reason these women have showed up and felt the need to be healed was because they are lonely and have lived a life unloved. The persona believes that no amount of faith or touch from the healer is enough to cure an inner awareness of life unloved. The faith healer asks all his followers â€Å"what’s wrong? † and the persona’s realisation is â€Å"alls wrong†. This poem also seems to show that Larkin is disappointed, not only in the women who have been taken in by what he believes to be a con but also life in general. His conclusion that life is lonely when not including love could reflect his own life because he never married and it could be said he never found happiness. From looking at Larkin’s life we could assume he found his own a disappointment because though he excelled in his writing and librarian status, he never started a family and was devastated when his father died, so much so he couldn’t write for a year. His disappointment of not starting a family with a woman could be illustrated in ‘Dockery and Son’ where he regrets not having a child to carry on the family name and relates life to being only â€Å"age, and then the only end of age†. In ‘This be the Verse’ Larkin blames all the things that go wrong in life on his or our parents. This is because we were brought up by them and they influenced us so much so that our life goes a certain way as a result of them. He concluded that life’s faults are there because your parents ‘fucked’ you up. Larkin also seemed to discuss fate occasionally and he believed everything must happen for a reason, so the reason his life would have been a disappointment would have been as a result of something he did, or in this case his parents did. ‘Mr Bleany’ and ‘Ambulances’ also question the nature of existence and conclude uncertainty. Most of the poems in the collection ‘The Whitsun Weddings’ all seem to conclude in the same certainty; that life is disappointing and never what you expect it to be. This seemed to be Larkin’s view on his life and he expressed this through his poetry which although sometimes is saddening is very thoughtful and effective in that it makes you consider his point of view, no matter how pessimistic it may seem.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Aegean island of Chios Essays

Aegean island of Chios Essays Aegean island of Chios Essay Aegean island of Chios Essay Introduction In the undermentioned pages I am traveling to show a instance survey refering the Aegean island of Chios, in relation to the statements made alonside this survey. This peculiar instance survey is suited for the presentation and scrutiny of the current state of affairss every bit good as development proposals and development of the island from a tourer company or a tourer developer point of position. Description OF THE ISLAND The island of Chios covers an country of 342 square kilometres and has a population of about 60,000, a denseness of 62.35 dwellers per square kilometer. ( The corresponding figure for the state as a whole is 66.5 dwellers per kilometer ) . Administratively, Chios is composed of a individual state ( state of Nomos of Chios ) and includes one metropolis, three towns, 50 five small towns and 101 crossroadss. Lush green fragrant Khioss, besides known as the mastic island, has much to offer to the traveler. It is likely Homer s place of birth, and it has an huge naval and rational tradition. It was inhabited since the Neolithic epoch, has known consecutive vanquishers, was devastated by plagiarist onslaughts during the Byzantine old ages, and after a short period of Enetian domination it came under the Genoan commercial company Maona ( for two centuries ) . It paid a high monetary value during the Grecian Revolution, with the population slaughter ( 1822 ) , despite the fact that the ChioS did nt take part ab initio in the rebellion, since they enjoyed particular privileges given to them by the Turks due to the mastic production. In the South of Chios the mastic mastic has been cultivated for centuries ; the bantam tree that after being pinched by the locals, responds with cryings , offering its premium of cherished rosin. Mastic, which is an sole Chios merchandise, has been cultivated on the island since the first century A.D. and tradition has it that the lentisc started rupturing down when the Saint Isidor was tortured and martyred here by the Romans ( 250 A.D. ) . All the plants in respects to the tree, the rosin aggregation and its uncluttering down, are manual labor. PRESENT TOURIST SITUATION OF CHIOS Tourism in Chios is non developed in comparing with the rest.of the Eastern Aegean Islands. Chios occupies merely 6 % of the entire figure of tourers with Dodecanese ( Rhodes, Kos, etc. ) , 76 % , Samos 10 % and Lesbos 8 % . It has been felt that touristry can play an of import function in the economic life of the island, after the diminution of the transportation industry. Chios has non developed touristry, chiefly because of the two following grounds: foremost, the tierce of the male population used to work on the ships and secondly, the ship proprietors wanted the island much to them ­selves and the dwellers to be employed mostly by them. From the old analysis we can see that touristry developed really quickly over the last few old ages in Greece and that in some topographic points, the sequences of that development had negative effects, altering the societal, economic and environmental balances. Subsequently, the alone character of topographic points was lost and it became similar to other tourer resorts around the universe. So, in a sense, Chios is lucky because has the chance to analyze different tourer development undertakings and signifiers of Tourism and can work the experiences of the other topographic points to its benefit. S.W.O.T ANLYSIS We have so far presented the basic features of Chios. Those features allow us now to continue with the island s SWOT analysis: STREGTHS The civilization and history of Chios of import archeological sites and memorials The life traditions of the island The natural environment of Chios clean seas Tourism in Chios has most expressed features of alternate signifiers of touristry. Large figure of commercial stores and supermarket. Short distance to Turkey ( 1/2 hr to Chesme and 11/2 hr to the 3rd biggest metropolis Ismir ) Quality agricultural green goods Dynamic local industrial companies of rural agricultural merchandises ( citrous fruit fruits, mastic gum, herds and spices e.t.c ) . The long naval tradition. Technical support from the University of the Aegean ( Business School ) which is based in Chios. Failing Lack of Tourist civilization, a development and selling scheme Small tourer period ( 4 to 5 months ) Low degree of tourer modernisation. Large figure of comparatively little tourer endeavors. Lack of specialized employment. Absence of tourer investings Control of the local tourer market from large circuit operators. Relatively little haven and airdrome Opportunity Low tourer activity could be the island s biggest chance for development. Evidence from topographic points with high tourer entreaty like Rhodes, Corfu, Paros, Kos, etc. , already demo environmental and cultural jobs, overcrowding, pollution, e.t.c, sometimes irreversible. Sustainable touristry development that will take to the uninterrupted, parallel and balanced development of all the sectors of the local economic system and esteem the cultural features of the country to the benefit of both locals and tourers. Development of altrnative signifiers of Tourism such as agrotourism local touristry, cultural touristry, ecological touristry, sea and H2O touristry e.tc. The stimulation of local trades and other local popular art which would hold a larger patronage and more agencies of support Encourage investings Incentives to change over traditional edifice into tourer adjustment. Joint tourer undertakings with neighbour Turkey Menace Uncontrolled Tourist development and growing. Unilateral growing of touristry. Ccultural and societal change Damage of the environment Intensity of competition. from states such as Turkey which is expected to accomplish good public presentation in the coming old ages The uncertainness about the future developments of the universe fiscal and economic crisis, makes anticipations on the Greek travel and touristry industry during the forecast period peculiarly hard. Decision An of import measure in strategic planning is to measure concerns and demands of assorted sectors of the local community ( different age groups, the concern sector, the educational and societal services sector, and so on ) and to measure all the elements related to touristry and other options for economic development and environmental preservation in Chios

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Congressional Oversight and the U.S. Government

Congressional Oversight and the U.S. Government Congressional oversight refers to the power of the United States Congress to monitor and, if necessary, change the actions of the executive branch, including the many federal agencies. The primary goals of congressional oversight are to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse, and to protect civil liberties and individual rights by ensuring that the executive branch complies with the laws and the Constitution. Derived from its â€Å"implied† powers in the U.S. Constitution, public laws, and House and Senate rules, congressional oversight is one of the key elements of the American system of checks and balances of power.   Key Takeaways: Congressional Oversight Congressional oversight refers to the power of the U.S. Congress to monitor and change, if necessary, the actions of the executive branch, including the many federal agencies.The main goals of congressional oversight are preventing waste, fraud, and abuse, and protecting rights and civil liberties.Congressional oversight is one of the â€Å"implied† powers granted to Congress by the â€Å"necessary and proper† clause of the Constitution.In empowering the legislative branch of government to oversee the executive branch, congressional oversight forms a key element of the system of checks and balances of power. The scope of Congress’ powers of oversight extends to virtually all programs, activities, regulations, and polices implemented by the presidential cabinet departments, independent executive agencies, regulatory boards and commissions, and the President of the United States. Should Congress find evidence that an agency has incorrectly applied or exceeded its powers, Congress can pass a law overruling the action or narrowing the agency’s regulatory authority. Congress can also limit an agency’s power by reducing its funding in the annual federal budget process.   Oversight Definition Dictionaries define â€Å"oversight† as â€Å"watchful and responsible care.† In the context of congressional oversight, this â€Å"watchful and responsible care† is applied through a wide variety of congressional activities, including detailed investigations of program spending appropriations and re-authorizations requests. Oversight may be conducted by standing and select congressional committees, and through reviews and studies conducted by congressional support agencies and staff.   In Congress, oversight comes in many forms including: Hearings and investigations conducted by the standing or special congressional committees;Consulting with or getting reports directly from the president;Giving its advice and consent for certain high-level presidential nominations and for treaties;Impeachment proceedings conducted in the House and tried in the Senate;House and Senate proceedings under the 25th Amendment should the president become disabled, or the office of the vice president becomes vacant;Senators and Representatives serving on presidentially-appointed commissions; andSpecial studies conducted by congressional committees and support agencies such as the Congressional Budget Office, the General Accountability Office, the Office of Technology Assessment, and the Congressional Research Service. Powers of Congress: When ‘Necessary and Proper’ While the Constitution does not formally grant Congress the authority to oversee the actions of the executive branch, oversight is clearly implied in the many enumerated powers of Congress. The power of congressional oversight is further reinforced by the â€Å"necessary and proper† clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 18) of the Constitution, which grants Congress the power, â€Å"To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.† The necessary and proper clause further implies that Congress has the power to investigate the actions of the executive branch. It would be impossible for Congress to apply its oversight powers without knowing whether federal programs are being administered properly and within their budgets and whether executive branch officials are obeying the law and complying with the legislative intent of the laws.   The U.S. Supreme Court has confirmed the investigative powers of Congress, subject to constitutional safeguards for civil liberties. In the 1927 case of McGrain v. Daugherty, the Court specifically found that, in investigating actions taken by the Department of Justice, Congress had constitutionally considered a subject â€Å"on which legislation could be had or would be materially aided by the information which the investigation was calculated to elicit.† Statutory Mandated for Congressional Oversight Along with the necessary and proper clause of the Constitution, several important laws provide broad mandates for the power of congressional oversight. For example, the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 requires the executive agencies to consult Congress when developing their strategic plans and report on their plans, goals, and results at least annually to the Government Accountability Office (GAO).   Perhaps the most impactful, the Inspectors General Act of 1978 created within each executive branch agency an independent watchdog Office of Inspector General (OIG) assigned to investigate and report on problems of waste, fraud, and abuse to Congress. The Reports Consolidation Act of 2000 requires the OIGs to identify and report the most serious management and performance problems within the agencies they monitor.   Indeed, one of the first laws passed by the First Congress in 1789 established the Treasury Department and required the Secretary and the Treasurer to report directly to Congress on public expenditures and all accounts. Congressional Oversight Committees Today, as in the earliest days of the Republic, Congress exercises its power of oversight largely through its congressional committee system. The rules of both the House and Senate allow their committees and subcommittees to practice â€Å"special oversight† or â€Å"comprehensive policy oversight,† on issues relating to legislation under their jurisdiction. At the highest level, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, have oversight jurisdiction over virtually every area of the federal government.   In addition to these and other standing committees, Congress has the power to appoint temporary â€Å"select† oversight committees to investigate major problems or scandals within the executive branch. Examples of inquiries conducted by select committees include the Watergate scandal in 1973-1974; Iran-Contra affair in 1987; and the suspected acquisition of U.S. nuclear weapons by China in 1999.  Ã‚   Famous Examples of Congressional Oversight Over the years, government officials have been exposed and ousted, major policies have been changed, and the degree of statutory control over the executive branch has been increased as a result of Congress’ oversight powers. In 1949, a select Senate subcommittee discovered corruption within the administration of President Harry S. Truman. As a result, several agencies were reorganized and a special White House commission was appointed to investigate evidence of corruption in all areas of government.In the late 1960s, televised hearings of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the so-called Pentagon Papers solidified public opposition to continued U.S. participation in the Vietnam War, hastening the end of the conflict.Less than a year after details of the 1973 Watergate scandal were exposed, the House Judiciary Committees impeachment proceedings against President Richard Nixon resulted in his resignation from office.  More recently, during 1996 and 1997, the Senate Finance Committee investigated and confirmed whistleblower reports from Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax collection agents that they had been pressured by their supervisors to harass citizens who claimed they had been wrongly accused o f owing unpaid taxes. As a result, Congress, in 1998, passed legislation to reform the IRS by creating a new independent oversight board within the agency, extending the rights and protections of taxpayers, and shifting the burden of proof in tax disputes from taxpayers to the IRS. In these and countless other cases, the power of congressional oversight has been essential in monitoring and checking the powers of the executive branch and helping improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of federal government operations in general. Sources Halchin LE (2012). â€Å"Congressional Oversight.† CRS report to Congressâ€Å"Congressional Oversight of the Executive.† Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress. US House of Representativesâ€Å"McGrain v. Daugherty.† Oyez.org

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Managed health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Managed health care - Essay Example The patient’s confidentiality must be protected by the provider. A provider is liable for breach of patient’s confidentiality if they disclose confidential information related to the patient without their consent as required by the law (Roberts, 2000). When a managed care organization asks for the client’s personal information to make payment decisions, it may undermine the confidentiality of the patient (Wellspring Counseling, 2005). Providers should be careful in limiting the ability of the managed care organization to modify or amend the contract on its own. If it is possible, the provider is supposed to negotiate the amendment provision, which necessitates the consent of the concerned parties before any amendment is done (Roberts, 2000). Majority of the managed care contracts possess dispute resolution clauses. These clauses deal with the manner in which disputes associated with the agreement will be resolved by the entities. The dispute resolution process includes mediation, arbitration, and litigation in court (Roberts, 2000). The contract must indicate that the provider is not mandated to offer, â€Å"any services under the contract that it does not ordinarily and customarily provide to its patients who are not members of the contracting MCO and its affiliate plans† (Ziel, 1997). The concerned entities may consider adding a clause that particularly lists all the services provided by the MCO and the plans (Ziel, 1997). One of the key issues in quality assurance and utilization management is that providers can be subjected by the managed care organizations to utilization management procedures and policies, which are administered inconsistently and unjustly. There are cases where the providers are not even offered the copies of the policies (Roberts, 2000). A provider is supposed to think about its mandates under the agreement before the contract is